From Dream to Expression: My Journey in Art
As a little girl I dreamed of becoming a kindergarten teacher. I wanted to prepare myself as well as possible and started early with everything a good teacher should be able to do: playing the piano, making art... everything to be able to animate those little pagadders. Unfortunately, that was a 'no-go' for my mother. I was not allowed to do it.
Instead, I rolled into business and forgot my passion for art for a long time. Although… every now and then I followed a workshop in making dolls or felting. After a while I started painting more and more, just at home, in my living room. Often at night, with a good bottle of wine and without any prior knowledge, I created paintings. One work was successful, the other less so, but I kept going.
Eighteen years ago I moved to Geel and enrolled at the art academy for Ceramics. A new world opened up for me. I could fully indulge in making installations and playing with clay, colours and shapes. It was simply wonderful! Yet I continued to paint at home.
After a while I had to stop again due to lack of time… business always came first. But five years ago I enrolled again at the art academy, this time for painting. Now I can and may let myself go completely! Thanks to the encouragement of my teachers I dare to experiment with materials and styles. I keep searching, but I think we all do that. Art in all its forms continues to fascinate me: singing, making music, painting, ceramics… but especially making installations. I am really crazy about that.
I play more and more with art, although time remains a limiting factor. My feelings are fully expressed in what I make. Every work is a reflection of my heart and soul. When I am working, I prefer not to have people around me and I hardly talk - that is when my passion really comes into its own. Every piece is a proof of my sensitivity, my sadness, my compassion for people and for what is happening in the world.
My work is a conversation I have with myself and with the viewer or listener. Without words I can often say more than with words. In that I find myself completely.
It's up to you to enjoy it.